The Truth Behind 6 Popular Network Marketing Tips!

What happens when you keep hearing the same home-based business building tips over and over and over, and you just can't seem to make them work for you? Everything makes sense on paper, and there are many people saying they used the same techniques to get them to the top. You begin to questions your company and contemplate giving up.

Instead of quitting and spending the rest of your life convinced that you've been taken for a ride, take a look at some of the following techniques that might sound familiar to you. When you peel away the sugar coating, you will discover the real truth behind what determines success and failure.

Talk To Everyone You Know:
This might sound like a sure-fire way to get business, but the truth is that it only works if you have enough time and patience to look through ten haystacks a day to find one needle. Even though everyone in the world could benefit from your product, not everyone wants or needs it. This technique might get you a few customers a month, but since you found them rather than them finding you, they'll probably just try it without really having a need to continue with it.

Enroll People Who Need Extra Money:
What happens when someone starts a business with the sole purpose of making money? The won't care about the customer enough to continue through the times when money is tight. And they don't have enough of an emotional attachment to the product to focus on helping others. It takes time to build a business, even from home with little start-up cost. Always lead with your product and you'll never have to worry about quitters and complainers.

Copy Successful People
This only works if you are copying someone who became successful the right way. A person who built their business twenty years ago and is still promoting the same techniques today is out of touch with what is currently going on. The market has become over-saturated with everyone and their brother trying get rich quick schemes that people are wise to the pitfalls of network marketing. If you want to copy a successful person, make sure they can show you how much they made recently using modern techniques within your budget, not theirs.

Fancy Websites Will Get You More Exposure
If you're in network marketing, I'm sure you've been approached to join the latest fad: Online Business Systems. This is a strategy usually designed by top distributors who are looking to earn extra income from selling unsuspecting people leads and fancy websites at inflated prices. The only people who do well with this are the individuals who offer the service. It doesn't matter how many bells and whistles a website has, what matters is getting the right people in front of the right message. You don't need to spend $3,000 a month to find them or have a website that works.

Hand Out Product Samples For Free
The only time you should ever give out samples of your product is if you are giving them to an existing customer. Promoting anything for free only attracts people who are looking for something for free. Even if they decide they like it enough to buy it afterwards, the chances of them continuing are slim. They'll drop you the first chance they see someone else offering something for free because they really didn't have a strong enough desire for your product in the first place, or they are simply broke.

Never Ever Quit. No Matter What.
This one is where common sense comes into play. If something isn't working, stop doing it. It doesn't mean you have to quit your company or stop taking your products. It just means you need to find a different approach. Most people quit because they just can't sell enough. Well, that means they received the wrong education. Selling doesn't work in Network Marketing...Marketing works.

Sadly, the only way to get a proper marketing education is to look outside of most companies because they don't offer it. They offer a lot of hype and techniques that will get them overall sales based on your efforts, but it costs too much time and money to properly train you how to find the people who are looking for what you have.

The next time you are sitting in front of a stage listening to a lot of people promising that any one of these techniques will make you rich, make the effort to get to the bottom of why they don't work for you. It might be time to start thinking outside of the box instead of following their lead.

About the Author:

William Winch is a Business Growth Specialist who's mission is helping people expand and explode their home-based businesses without breaking the bank. A former High School and College Business Educator and Counselor, he writes and practices the art and science of mentoring from his home office in Rochester, NY. You can contact William by visiting his website at or by calling him directly at (585) 234-5283.

Article Source: - The Truth Behind 6 Popular Network Marketing Tips!

MLM, Network Marketing, Marketing, Communication, Multi-level Marketing, Work From Home, Productivity, Home-based Business, Building Wealth, Marketing Education, Mlm Education, How To Grow A Home-based Business, Home-based Business Education