Overview Of Freelance Photography

Do you have a good photographer's eye? Are you creative? Do you have high dreams and aspirations of getting paid for your photography skills? If so, then you should consider a career as a freelance photographer. As a freelancer photographer, you will get paid for your outstanding photography skills. In this article, we will provide you with a brief snippet of what you can expect should you choose to become a freelance photographer.

Freelance photographers are self-employed professionals who have decided to turn their passion for taking pictures into profit. The job outlook for this profession is expected to grow at an average rate. Freelance photographers work either full or part time and make between about $26,000 to $38,000 a year. As a freelance photographer, you need outstanding eyesight, artistic ability, creativity, a fun personality, and great customer service skills.

To become a freelance photographer, you don't need a degree in photography. However, you may need to take courses on lighting, equipment operation, etc. Beginners might need to work with more established professionals in order to "learn the field" and perfect their skills. As a freelancer photographer, you will take and process pictures, market services, write contracts, keep financial records, obtain releases, license and price photographs, establish long term client relationships, and much more.

To make the most money as a freelance photographer, you may want to specialize. Here are the most common types of specialties:

1. Commercial photographers take pictures of subjects including merchandise and landscapes.
2. Scientific photographers take pictures of medical data.
3. Photojournalists take pictures of newsworthy events and people
4. Fine arts photographers take pictures of art.

Once you chose your specialty, you can handle individual shoots or sell your photos to magazines, book publishers, stock agencies, and even galleries.

As a freelance photographer, you will purchase and utilize your own material. What type of equipment you purchase, will depend on whether you choose digital or film. A digital camera will allow you to capture images electronically and then edit them electronically. To go this route, you will need a camera, memory card, computer, a good printer and editing/processing software. If you choose film, you will need to purchase a camera, film, lenses, lighting, and a dark room or find a company to process your pictures.

In conclusion, if you are considering a career as a freelance photographer and you love taking pictures and meeting new people then you should definitely consider this fun and lucrative career. Although it is a competitive career, you can make a great living doing what you love doing.

About the Author:

Ed Mercer is a professional photographer, and has run hisstudio in Danvers Ma. with his wife Susan for 30 years.Together they have experience in just about every aspect of photography and photoshop.http://www.makemoneywithdigitalphotography.com

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Overview Of Freelance Photography

Photography, Digital Photography