How Simple Daily Disciplines Can Explode Your Home-based Business

If “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is true, why don’t more of us do it? We know it's a healthier alternative to the chocolate chip cookie. We know it takes as much time to eat both. We know we will feel just as full after both are eaten. It can't be because of the taste because apples are yummy!

The reason more people eat cookies is because it's easier to go for what provides immediate satisfaction than it is to choose what will be helpful in the future.

Just like choosing to eat the apple, disciplining yourself every day with small tasks has the power to literally skyrocket your stalled home-based business. Whether you are just beginning or trying to get things into action, it's the small details that count the most. Just because your business didn't cost a lot to start, doesn't mean it can be treated casually if you really want to succeed.

Voluntarily changing daily errors into disciplines allows us to experience positive results quickly. Sitting in your office doesn't necessarily mean you are being productive. It's easy to get distracted. Just imagine the effect of spending an hour practicing your script instead of surfing the internet, for example, could have on your bank account.

Start by writing out a list of everything you do that takes up your entire day. Then, take a good look at what specifically is productive in relation to your business goals. You may think you are spending 7 hours a day "working," but the reality is that the productivity is more in the range of 3-5 hours a day or less.

Once you've figured out how many hours a day you can spare by removing the non-productive activity, start developing a list of things that you have been putting off. This is great place to start in your quest to develop new disciplines. You don't have to stop doing the things you enjoy outside of work, but if you want your business to succeed, set them aside for the weekend. Just like you'd have to do in a regular 9-5 J.O.B (just over broke).

Don't wait for a time when you think you'll be more motivated to do this. “A little motivation” is not how people become more productive. It has to come from within. You must first change your thinking habits, then the motivation will come automatically as a result. If a person is a fool and becomes motivated, he or she merely becomes a motivated fool.

The reason adding these simple daily disciplines can explode your business is because they tend to multiply. Everything we do has an effect on everything else we do. Every new discipline will affect the rest of our personal performance in a positive way. And conversely, each undisciplined act opens the floodgates leading to other breakdowns. While it is easy to do, it also easy not to do.

Small disciplines could be anything ranging from spending 15 minutes talking with a buddy who has similar business goals, to writing down an entry into a journal to inspire thoughts and ideas. You don't always have to take on major projects to be productive. Small disciplines done over and over build consistency and result in business longevity.

You can also change the disciplines you are already currently practicing, especially if they aren't getting you anywhere. If you're spending 3 hours a day on the telephone talking to prospects and your voice doesn't have enough conviction, you should change the way you come across when you talk. Although being on the phone is a great way to generate business, it's not productive if you haven't mastered the art of communicating your message by positioning yourself as a leader.

The more you look for small disciplines that causes you to refine your thinking, the more you will amend your errors and improve your results. Changing from errors to discipline is easy, but requires work. You can't just change your habits for one day and think things are going to be better just because you made one small effort.m Repeating them is the key.

Everything you need to become rich and powerful is within your reach. Very few home-based business owners take advantage of that simply because of neglect. Just like people who eat that cookie every day instead of the apple, they can't see the effects and consequences of the future. That is how subtle failure is.

About the Author:

William Winch is a Business Growth Specialist who's mission is helping people expand and explode their home-based businesses without breaking the bank. A former High School and College Business Educator and Counselor, he writes and practices the art and science of mentoring from his home office in Rochester, NY. You can contact William by visiting his website at or by calling him directly at (585) 234-5283.

Article Source: - How Simple Daily Disciplines Can Explode Your Home-based Business

MLM, Network Marketing, Marketing, Multi-level Marketing, Work From Home, Journal, Productivity, Home-based Business, Mlm Tips, Marketing Education, Mlm Education, How To Grow A Home-based Business, Home-based Business Education, Daily Disciplines