The Secrets to Improving Your Home-based Business by Keeping a Journal

Capturing experiences in writing is the only sure-fire way you can learn lessons from them. Since we have so many things going on every day in our lives, relying on our memories isn't an option. One thing happens and it suddenly takes precendence over what previously happened, and so on. Special moments of emotion and experience are lost forever.

Without accurate enhancement of our past, we run the risk of repeating errors. How many times have you made the same mistake twice and lived to regret it? Had you made the simple effort to keep a journal full of important reminders, you could've saved yourself the trouble of repeating the mistake. It't not guaranteed, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

The very act of writing about our lives in our journal helps us to think more objectively. Having time to ponder and analyze experiences allows us to not only see the error of our ways, but will give us inspiration to help others learn from our mistakes. We begin to see more clearly, enabling us to make life-changing refinements and pass them along to our business associates.

The more we capture events in our journal, the more clearly we communicate. All that it takes is a small amount of time at the end of each day. One small entry in your journal at a time. If you really want to get the most of out it, review it once more the following morning as well. You may not ever need to review it ever again, but at least you know it's there just in case.

A life worth living is a life worth documenting. Anything you do that motivates you to get out of bed in the morning has vaule. You do it for a reason. If something should happen that causes you to re-evaulate your reasons based on your experiences throughout the day, it's important to document it in our journal. It just might give you even more of a reason to get up the following day.

The ability to establish competent leadership lies in the emerging value of the individual. Network marketing is all about reaching out to others and helping them. When you do something that improves your business, others will do the same and as a result, your business will grow even more. Show others the importance of keeping a journal by doing it yourself first.

Keeping a journal will also improve your writing skills. Proper marketing education promotes quality copy-writing in order to get the right people in front of the right message, and it all comes down to practice. Journals are a great way to express your thoughts freely, which will eventually develop into your own style.

The more you write, the easier it is to come up with ideas during the actual act of writing itself. Everything starts with an idea, and writing puts you in the frame of mind that stimulates the thinking process. You could decide to sit down and write in your journal a paragraph about what happened to you at the post office, for example, and it could cause your mind to think of an idea for a mailer that could boost your sales.

How many times have you arrived at the grocery store wishing you had written down a list of the things you needed? The same principles apply to keeping a journal of not just what happens to you, but also what you might want to happen. Writing and reviewing your goals is an important part of reaching them.

In my journal I also have a daily list of everything I want to accomplish for my home-based business, and I cross them off one by one after they are taken care of. Sometimes I don't get to them all, but that's the beauty of writing it down. I can cross them off tomorrow because I have a reminder to do it. It makes it that much easier to reflect upon the things I did during the day later on as well.

With so many different techniques being thrown around in network marketing that can drain a persons savings account, keeping a journal is the only free business-building technique available. Take advantage of it. Since the purpose of a journal is to create a gathering place for all your observations and discoveries about life, the value of having one can greatly improve your chances of having a successful home-based business.

About the Author:

William Winch is a Business Growth Specialist who's mission is helping people expand and explode their home-based businesses without breaking the bank. A former High School and College Business Educator and Counselor, he writes and practices the art and science of mentoring from his home office in Rochester, NY. You can contact William by visiting his website at or by calling him directly at (585) 234-5283.

Article Source: - The Secrets to Improving Your Home-based Business by Keeping a Journal

MLM, Network Marketing, Marketing, Multi-level Marketing, Work From Home, Journal, Productivity, Home-based Business, Mlm Tips, Marketing Education, Mlm Education, How To Grow A Home-based Business, Home-based Business Education, Keeping A Journal